파인 블랭킹 다이에 대해 알아야 할 4가지 팁

예상 읽기 시간: 6 분
Fine Blanking Die
The proportion of fine blanking in industrial production is increasing, so the requirements for molds are getting higher and higher. How to extend the life of the mold, reduce wear, reduce costs, and increase economic benefits are the most concerning issues for manufacturers. There are many factors that affect the life of the mold. Wear is the most important factor affecting the life of the mold. Today, we will further analyze and discuss the wear mechanism and protection of the decay. Fine Blanking Die
파인 블랭킹 기술의 특징
The fine blanking technology adopts the acceptable gap, the ring gear plate, and the top plate in the die to play the role of the reverse die so that the stamping parts can obtain higher dimensional accuracy and surface roughness. In some industrially developed countries, the machining accuracy of the mold industry has reached the micron level, which can replace cutting under certain conditions. Fine Blanking Die
Fine blanking technology has the following advantages: Fine Blanking Die
- 미세 치수 정확도 펀칭 parts can reach the IT7~IT8 level, and the surface roughness of the shear section is Ra 2. 4~0. 4μm, with high perpendicularity and parallelism; Fine Blanking Die
- Compared with cutting, fine blanking technology can generally improve work efficiency by 10 times; Fine Blanking Die
- 그것은 공작 기계 및 절단 가공에 의해 소비되는 많은 전기 에너지를 절약 할 수 있습니다. 미세 블랭킹 후 공작물의 표면이 경화되고 후속 담금질 프로세스가 취소 될 수 있습니다.
- The fine-blanking composite process can be used to simplify the forming process, and it can be combined with other forming processes such as bending, extrusion, embossing, etc. for composite or progressive stamping. The parts produced to account for more than 20% of all fine blanking parts. Fine Blanking Die
파인 블랭킹 기술의 메커니즘
벌금 펀칭 process adds rounded corners to the die edge, reduces the gap between the concave and punch die, and adds a ring gear pressure plate and an ejector. In order to inhibit the tearing of the material before punching and ensure the smooth progress of plastic deformation, the metal material needs to be subjected to static pressure in the punching deformation area, and the material is in a state of three-way compressive stress (punching force, blank holder force, and back pressure), which is a precise A necessary condition for rushing.
During fine blanking, the blank holder presses the material to prevent the material outside the shear deformation zone from flowing with the punch during the shearing process. The support function of the blank holder and the counter pressure plate, coupled with the small gap between the convex and concave dies (usually 0.5% of the material thickness, 1/10 of the ordinary punching), make the workpiece tightly pressed and prevent the parts from being damaged. Fine Blanking Die
Warpage creates tensile stress, leading to brittle fracture, which constitutes a ductile material shear condition. If necessary, the three-way compressive stress tensor in the deformation zone can be increased to improve the plasticity of the material. The punching punch and the die edge of the blanking die can be rounded to reduce the stress concentration at the edge and avoid cracks. , to improve the stress state of the deformation zone, and obtain bright blanking vertical sections and blanking parts with small slope, smooth surface, and high dimensional accuracy. Fine Blanking Die
Of course, the fine blanking process is required to achieve the required purpose. In addition to the plastic shear deformation caused by the special structure of the working part of the fine blanking die, there are also three-way pressures such as pressing, punching and reverse topping, and these three pressures are required to be pressed.
Sequential pressure. Therefore, precision blanking with a ring gear platen requires a triple-action die and press with three pressures, as well as a push-piece and unloading action after the sheet is separated. There are also certain requirements for fine blanking materials, lubrication, and fine blanking mechanism. Only when the above sufficient conditions are met can the purpose of fine blanking be achieved. Fine Blanking Die
벌금 요건 펀치잉 다이스
Since the blanking conditions and material separation of fine blanking are very different from ordinary blanking, there are certain requirements for the mold. Fine Blanking Die
- 미세 블랭킹 압력이 크고 볼록 및 오목 다이 사이의 간격이 작습니다. 금형 제작 및 조립 시 틈이 고르게 분포되고 중립성을 유지해야 합니다. 0. 002 ~ 0. 005mm.
- 금형의 주요 부품은 충분한 강도와 강성을 가져야 하며 상호 일치 정밀도가 높아야 합니다. 작업 부분은 높은 내마모성을 가지며 작업시 탄성 변형이 허용되지 않습니다.
- 절삭날의 손상을 방지하기 위해 오목 다이에 들어가는 펀치의 깊이를 엄격하게 제어합니다(일반적으로 0.025 ~ 0.05mm로 제어).
- 금형의 배기 설계를 적절하게 고려하고 금형 작업 부분의 윤활에주의를 기울이고 금형의 수명을 연장하십시오.
괜찮은 펀치재료
파인 블랭킹 공정은 전단 공정뿐만 아니라 금속의 소성 유동 및 전단 복합 공정을 포함하므로 파인 펀칭 재료는 가소성이 좋아야 합니다. 즉 재료는 더 낮은 항복비(σ)를 가져야 합니다.NS /σNS ), 높은 연신율과 좋은 구조(좋은 분산), 위의 요구 사항을 충족하는 재료, 낮은 하중의 작용에서 초기 초기 소성 변형은 큰 변형 용량을 가지므로 미세 중에 찢어지는 현상이 발생하지 않습니다. 블랭킹 과정.
파인 블랭킹 부품의 약 95%는 강철 부품입니다. 탄소 함량이 35% 미만이고 인장 강도 σ인 탄소강의 경우NS of 300-600MPa, due to the good plasticity of the ferrite, satisfactory fine-blanking effects can be obtained.
Because the carbon content is between 0.35% and 0.7%, or even higher than carbon steel and its alloy steel, if the edges of the convex and concave die to encounter the pearlite flakes that are not easily deformed, the section will be torn and the section will be torn. The quality declines, which causes the wear of the mold, so it is necessary to use appropriate heat treatment to make the cementite spherical and small particles, which are evenly distributed in the fine-grained ferrite.
펀칭 과정에서 시멘타이트 입자는 부드러운 페라이트 매트릭스로 압착되어 절삭날을 피하고 균열을 방지할 수 있습니다. 소둔 후의 탄소강 및 크롬강은 파인 블랭킹에 적합합니다. 납 황동을 제외하고 대부분의 비철 금속 및 합금을 파인 블랭킹에 사용할 수 있습니다.
꽤 흥미로운!
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