예상 읽기 시간: 5 분
자동차를 디자인하고 생산하는 과정에서 스탬핑 dies, not only must practically meet the technical requirements of body parts, but also attach great importance to the mechanical equipment,
operation methods, transportation methods, and mold installations used in the design and manufacturing process. and waste disposal issues. Automobile Stamping Dies
1. Factors Considered in 스탬핑 Die Automobile Stamping Dies
- 가격
In the process of designing and manufacturing automotive stamping dies, the first factor to consider is its price, which will affect the final sales of the product. Automobile Stamping Dies
- 품질
The level of automobile safety factor is usually determined by stamping dies, therefore, the quality of stamping dies will also directly affect product sales. Automobile Stamping Dies
- 인간화
자동차 스탬핑 금형 설계 과정에서 인간화도 고려해야 할 중요한 요소이며, 금형의 부분적 교체 가능성이 더욱 강하게 반영될 수 있도록 유지 보수에 주의를 기울여야 한다. 상대적으로 교체 빈도가 높은 부품의 경우 설계 프로세스에서 더 높은 기준을 설정해야 하며 이는 공급 및 구매 측면 모두에 매우 유리합니다.
- 원료
일반적으로 합금강 또는 합금 주철.
- 정확성
In mold production, precision will directly affect the degree of fit between parts after assembly, as well as the presentation of gap consistency. Automobile Stamping Dies
2. 자동차 스탬핑 다이 유지 보수 및 수리
Due to the harsh working environment of automotive stamping dies, during use, the working parts, fitting parts, and sliding positions are often worn or even damaged. At the same time, due to factors such as complex mold design and manufacturing process, high precision, long cycle time, and high cost, it is necessary to repair problems in time during use, so as to ensure accuracy and improve service life. Although the maintenance and repair of automobile stamping dies are very complicated, there are mainly the following seven situations for frequent failures and maintenance methods: Automobile Stamping Dies
- Flanging Deformed Automobile Stamping Dies
In the process of flanging and shaping, the deformation of the workpiece often occurs, especially the deformation in the surface part, which has a great impact on the quality of the workpiece.
The general solution is to increase the pressing force. If it is a spring-pressing material, the method of adding a spring can be used. For the upper air cushion pressing material, the method of increasing the air cushion force is usually used;
if there is still local deformation after increasing the pressure, it is necessary to Find out the specific problems, check whether there is a local depression on the binder surface, etc. At this time, the method of welding and repairing the binder can be used; after the binder is welded, it will be researched and matched with the lower surface of the mold.
- 가장자리 치핑 Automobile Stamping Dies
이것은 금형을 사용하는 동안 발생하는 가장 일반적인 문제 중 하나입니다. 나이프 에지의 치핑이 매우 작은 경우 일반적으로 그라인더로 치핑 에지를 더 크게 연마하고 해당 용접봉으로 용접하여 용접이 견고하고 다시 칩이 쉽게 발생하지 않도록 해야 합니다.
- 브러싱
주로 Drawing, Forming, Flanging 등의 공정에서 발생합니다. 공작물을 비교하여 금형의 해당 거칠기 위치를 찾으려면 오일 스톤으로 부드럽게 밀고 둥근 모서리의 균일 한 크기에주의 한 다음 고운 사포로 연마하십시오.
- 트리밍 및 펀칭 테이프 Automobile Stamping Dies
Due to the abnormality of the pressing or unloading device of the mold during trimming or punching, the trimming and punching carry material. At this time, it is also necessary to find the corresponding part of the mold according to the position of the part.
If there is any abnormality in the mold pressing stripper, repair the welding of the pressing plate. If there is no problem with the mold-pressing stripping plate, you can check the mold knife block Whether there is a hair-pulling phenomenon.
- 지속적인 폐기물
작업자가 생산 과정에서 폐기물을 제 시간에 청소하지 않았기 때문에 폐기물 축적이 발생했으며 결국 상부 트리밍 나이프 블록의 압력으로 폐기물 나이프가 파손되어 폐기물이 계속 절단되었습니다. 수리 방법은 가장자리 트리밍 및 치핑과 유사합니다.
- 글리치
Due to the gap between the cutting edges of the mold, the burr is too large when the workpiece is trimmed, punched, and blanked. When the gap is large, the trimming and punching process adopts the method of trimming the die without moving the punch, and in the blanking process, the method of trimming the die without changing the die is used.
If the gap is small, it should be adjusted according to the size of the mold gap to ensure a reasonable gap. For the trimming, and punching die, the method of placing the gap in the die is adopted, while for the blanking die, the method of enlarging the punch should be adopted, so as to ensure that the size of the part remains unchanged before and after repair.
- 막힌 펀칭 폐기물
펀칭 폐기물은 매끄럽지 않은 폐기물 경로, 폐기물 경로의 역 테이퍼 및 제때 청소되지 않은 폐기물로 인해 막혔습니다. A면과 B면이 모두 매끄럽고 동일한 직경의 상태가 되도록 폐기물이 막히지 않도록 할 수 있습니다.
Automobile stamping dies, also known as automotive stamping dies or metal stamping dies, are specialized tools used in the manufacturing of automotive parts and components. These dies are an essential part of the metal stamping process, which is widely used in the automotive industry to produce various sheet metal parts and components, such as body panels, chassis parts, brackets, and more.
Here are some key aspects and information about automobile stamping dies:
Automobile stamping dies are used to cut and shape flat sheets of metal (usually steel or aluminum) into specific forms and profiles required for automotive components.
Types of Dies:
Progressive Dies: These are complex dies used to create parts with multiple features and operations. As the metal strip moves through the die, it undergoes various stages, including cutting, bending, and forming, resulting in a finished part.
Transfer Dies: Transfer dies are used when a part requires multiple stamping operations, but instead of progressing along a single strip, the part is transferred from one station to another using mechanical or hydraulic mechanisms.
Single-Station Dies: These dies are used for simple stamping operations, where a single operation, such as cutting or forming, is performed at a single station.
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