
펀치 쿠션의 기능에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것

NS 펀치 air cushion, is also known as stretch cushion. People often use it to press large parts or deep stretch parts on large presses. In addition, they use it to draw the edge to prevent wrinkling, they also use it for the bottom of the work-piece jacking or local forming. After the punch is equipped with a stretch pad, the range of use of the punch can be expanded. Generally, the universal pressure with a stretch pad can carry out deeper stretch work, and the double-acting punch with a stretch pad can be used as a three-acting punch.

If you adjust the pressure of the compressed air in the air cushion system, you will obtain the pressure required for all pressing work. The cylinder mainly functions as the foundation of air cushion. There are different types of cylinders and punch air cushions to meet the needs of customers. In addition, the air cushion can also affect on environmental mute and other effects.

Where is the punch air cushion mainly used?

A. People often use it to reduce vibration of punching equipment. Such as punch press, cutting machine, die cutting machine, punch press, blanking machine and oil press.

B. People often use it to reduce industrial machinery vibration. Such as plastic suction machine, forming machine, cup making machine, embroidery machine, needle sewing machine, quilting machine.

C. People often use it to reduce precision instruments vibration, such as three-coordinate detector, length detector, quadratic detector and circle detector.

D. People often use it to reduce equipment vibration, which are with large natural vibration and vibration isolation. In addition, due to some special circumstances, such as: three in one feeder, heavy material frame, large leveling machine, etc.

클릭하세요 http://www.harsle.com to know more about punching press!

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