24 materiały, które musisz znać podczas wykonywania tłoczników

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Making Stamping Dies
Istnieje ponad sto rodzajów materiałów, które można wykorzystać do produkcji cechowanie dies, ranging from metals, plastics, inorganic non-metals, and paraffin. Let’s take a look at the actual processing and production, the stamping industry uses up to 24 kinds of mold materials. Making Stamping Dies
- 45: High-quality carbon structural steel is the most commonly used medium carbon quenched and tempered steel. Main features: good comprehensive mechanical properties, low hardenability, easy to produce cracks during water quenching. Small pieces should be quenched and tempered, and large pieces should be normalized. Application example: It is mainly used to manufacture high-strength moving parts, such as turbine impellers, compressor pistons, shafts, gears, racks, and worms. Welded parts should be preheated before welding and annealed to relieve stress after welding. Making Stamping Dies
- Q235A (stal A3): najczęściej stosowana stal konstrukcyjna węglowa. Główne cechy: wysoka plastyczność, wytrzymałość i wydajność spawania, pewna wytrzymałość na zimno cechowanie performance, and good cold bending performance. Application example: Widely used in parts and welded structures with general requirements. Such as tie rods, connecting rods, pins, shafts, screws, nuts, ferrules, brackets, machine bases, and building structures and bridges with little force. Making Stamping Dies
- 40Cr: One of the most widely used steel grades in punching dies, it is an alloy structural steel. Main features: After quenching and tempering treatment, it has good comprehensive mechanical properties, low-temperature impact toughness, low notch sensitivity, good hardenability, and high fatigue strength can be obtained when oil cooling and parts with complex shapes are easy to be obtained when water cooling. Cracks occur. Medium cold bending plasticity, good machinability after tempering or quenching Co-infiltration, and high-frequency surface hardening. Application example: After quenching and tempering, it is used to manufacture medium-speed and medium-load parts, such as machine tool gears, shafts, worms, spline shafts, and thimble sleeves; Grinding parts, such as gears, shafts, main shafts, crankshafts, mandrels, sleeves, pins, connecting rods, screws, and nuts, intake valves, etc.; Parts, such as oil pump rotors, sliders, gears, spindles, and collars, etc.; used to manufacture heavy-duty, low-impact, wear-resistant parts such as worms, spindles, shafts, and collars, etc. after quenching and low-temperature tempering; carbon After nitriding treatment, transmission parts with large size and high low-temperature impact toughness, such as shafts and gears, are manufactured. Making Stamping Dies
- HT150: żeliwo szare. Przykłady zastosowań: skrzynia biegów, łoże maszyny, skrzynia, cylinder hydrauliczny, korpus pompy, korpus zaworu, koło zamachowe, głowica cylindra, koło pasowe i pokrywa łożyska itp.
- 35: Common materials for various standard parts and fasteners. Main features: appropriate strength, good plasticity, high cold plasticity, and acceptable weldability. Local upsetting and wire drawing can be performed in the cold state. Low hardenability, use after normalizing or quenching and tempering. Application example: It is suitable for the manufacture of parts with small sections and large loads, such as crankshafts, levers, connecting rods, shackles, various standard parts, and fasteners. Making Stamping Dies
- 65Mn: commonly used spring steel. Application example: various flat and round springs, seat cushion springs, and spring springs of small size, can also be made into spring rings, valve springs, clutch reeds, brake springs, cold coil springs, circlips, etc. Making Stamping Dies
- 0Cr18Ni9: The most commonly used stainless steel (US steel number 304, Japanese steel number SUS304). Features and applications: It is the most widely used stainless heat-resistant steel, such as food equipment, general chemical equipment, etc. Making Stamping Dies
- Cr12: powszechnie stosowana stal na matryce do pracy na zimno (USA numer stali D3, japoński numer stali SKD1). Charakterystyka i zastosowanie: Stal Cr12 jest szeroko stosowaną stalą matrycową do pracy na zimno, która jest stalą wysokowęglową i wysokochromową. Stal ma dobrą hartowność i dobrą odporność na zużycie; ponieważ zawartość węgla w stali Cr12 jest tak wysoka jak 2,3%, udarność jest słaba, łatwo jest być kruchym i łatwo jest tworzyć nierówne węgliki eutektyczne; Stal Cr12 dzięki dobrej odporności na zużycie jest używana głównie do produkcji stempli na zimno, wykrojników, wykrojników, wykrojników na zimno, wykrojników na zimno, stempli i wykrojników, tulei wiertarskich, sprawdzianów, które wymagają wysokiej odporności na zużycie przy mniejszym obciążeniu udarowym. , matryce do ciągnienia drutu, matryce do tłoczenia, blachy do walcowania gwintów, matryce do głębokiego tłoczenia i matryce do tłoczenia na zimno dla metalurgii proszków itp.
- DC53: Powszechnie stosowana stal do tłoczenia na zimno importowana z Japonii, numer stali japońskiego producenta Datong Special Steel Co., Ltd. Właściwości i zastosowania: stal do pracy na zimno o wysokiej wytrzymałości i twardości. Po odpuszczaniu w wysokiej temperaturze ma wysoką twardość, wysoką wytrzymałość i dobrą wydajność cięcia drutu. Stosowany do precyzyjnych wykrojników na zimno, ciągadeł, walcarek drutu, wykrojników i stempli na zimno itp.
- DCCr12MoV: Wear-resistant chromium steel is made in China, with lower carbon content than Cr12 steel, and Mo and V are added to improve the unevenness of carbides. Mo can reduce carbide segregation and improve hardenability, while V can refine grains and increase toughness. This steel has high hardenability, the cross-section can be completely hardenable below 400mm, and it can still maintain good hardness and wear resistance at 300~400℃. Compared with Cr12, it has higher toughness and less volume change during quenching. Making Stamping Dies
- It has high wear resistance and good comprehensive mechanical properties. Therefore, it is possible to manufacture various dies with a large cross-section, complex shapes and high impact, such as ordinary drawing dies, punching dies, punching dies, blanking dies, trimming dies, rolling dies, wire drawing dies, cold extrusion dies, Cold cutting scissors, circular saws, standard tools and measuring tools, etc. Making Stamping Dies
- SKD11: Tough chrome steel, produced by Hitachi, Ltd., Japan. Technically, the casting structure in the steel is improved, the grains are refined, the toughness and wear resistance of Cr12MoV are improved, and the service life of the mold is prolonged. Making Stamping Dies
- D2: High carbon and high chromium cold work steel, produced in the United States. It has high hardenability, hardenability, wear resistance, good high-temperature oxidation resistance, and good corrosion resistance after quenching and polishing. Heat treatment deformation is small. It is suitable to manufacture all kinds of cold working dies, cutting tools, and measuring tools that require high precision and long life, such as drawing dies, cold extrusion dies and cold shearing knives. Making Stamping Dies
- SKD11 (SLD): non-deformable toughness high chromium steel, produced by Hitachi, Ltd., Japan. Due to the increase in the content of Mo and V in the steel, the casting structure in the steel is improved, the grains are refined, and the carbide morphology is improved, so the strength and toughness (flexural strength, deflection, impact toughness, etc.) of this steel are higher than those of SKD1 and SKD1, With high D2, wear resistance has also increased, and it has higher tempering resistance. The practice has proved that the life of this steel mold has been improved compared with Cr12MoV. It is often used to manufacture molds with high requirements, such as drawing molds, molds for impact grinding wheels, etc. Making Stamping Dies
- DC53: Stal o wysokiej wytrzymałości i wysokiej zawartości chromu, produkowana przez Datong Co., Ltd., Japonia. Twardość obróbki cieplnej jest wyższa niż SKD11. Po odpuszczaniu w wysokiej temperaturze (520~530) ℃ może osiągnąć wysoką twardość 62~63HRC. Pod względem wytrzymałości i odporności na zużycie DC53 przewyższa SKD11, a wytrzymałość jest dwukrotnie większa niż SKD11. Wytrzymałość DC53 rzadko pojawia się podczas produkcji matryc do pracy na zimno, co znacznie poprawia żywotność. Naprężenie szczątkowe jest małe, a naprężenie szczątkowe jest redukowane przez zawracanie w wysokiej temperaturze. Ponieważ pęknięcia i deformacje po cięciu drutu są tłumione, skrawalność i ścieralność przekracza SKD11 i jest stosowany do precyzyjnych matryc, kucia na zimno i głębokich ciągadeł itp.
- SKH-9: General-purpose high-speed steel with high wear resistance and toughness, produced by Hitachi, Ltd., Japan. For cold forging dies, slitters, drills, reamers, punches, etc. Making Stamping Dies
- ASP-23: Powder metallurgy high-speed steel, made in Sweden. Carbide distribution is extremely uniform, wear resistance, high toughness, easy processing, and heat treatment dimensional stability. Used for all kinds of long-life cutting tools such as punches, deep drawing dies, drilling dies, milling cutters, and shear blades. Making Stamping Dies
- P20: Formy plastikowe o wielkości wymaganej do ogólnych wymagań, wyprodukowane w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Praca erodowana elektrycznie. Stan fabryczny to wstępnie utwardzony HB270 ~ 300, hartowana twardość HRC52.
- 718: Duże i małe formy z tworzyw sztucznych o wysokich wymaganiach, wyprodukowane w Szwecji. Praca erodowana elektrycznie. Fabrycznie utwardzony HB290 ~ 330, hartowana twardość HRC52.
- Nak80: Precyzyjna plastikowa forma o wysokim lustrze, wyprodukowana przez Datong Co., Ltd., Japonia. Stan fabryczny to wstępnie utwardzony HB370 ~ 400, hartowana twardość HRC52.
- S136: Anti-corrosion and mirror-polished plastic mold, made in Sweden. Pre-hardened HB<215 in factory state, quenched hardness HRC52. Making Stamping Dies
- H13: Commonly used die-casting die for aluminum, zinc, magnesium, and alloy die-casting, hot stamping die, aluminum extrusion die, etc. Making Stamping Dies
- SKD61: Zaawansowana forma do odlewania ciśnieniowego, wyprodukowana przez Hitachi, Ltd., Japonia. Dzięki technologii ponownego rozpuszczania balastu żywotność jest znacznie wyższa niż w przypadku H13. Do matryc do tłoczenia na gorąco, matryce do wyciskania aluminium.
- 8407: Zaawansowana forma do odlewania ciśnieniowego, wyprodukowana w Szwecji. Do matryc do tłoczenia na gorąco, matryce do wyciskania aluminium.
- FDAC: Dodano siarkę w celu zwiększenia łatwości cięcia. Fabrycznie utwardzona twardość wynosi HRC38 ~ 42, która może być bezpośrednio grawerowana bez hartowania i odpuszczania. Stosuje się go do małych partii form, prostych form, różnych produktów żywicznych, części ślizgowych i części form o krótkim czasie dostawy. Takie jak forma na zamek błyskawiczny, forma do oprawek okularów i tak dalej.
Making stamping dies, also known as die tooling or stamping tooling, is a crucial process in metalworking and manufacturing. Stamping dies are specialized tools used to cut, form, or shape sheet metal or other materials into specific designs or parts. Here’s an overview of the steps involved in making stamping dies: Making Stamping Dies
Design and Planning:
Determine the specific requirements of the stamped part, including dimensions, tolerances, and material type.
Create a detailed design or CAD (Computer-Aided Design) drawing of the part and the stamping die, including the cavity, punch, and any necessary features.
Plan the layout of the die components, such as punches, dies, guides, and strippers.
Material Selection:
Choose the appropriate materials for the die components. Common materials for dies include tool steel, carbide, and high-speed steel, depending on the complexity and volume of work.
Ensure that the material selected can withstand the forces and wear associated with the stamping process.
Rough Machining:
Start with rough machining of the die components using milling machines, lathes, or other cutting tools. Making Stamping Dies
Rough machining creates the basic shape of the die components, leaving enough material for subsequent finishing operations.
Heat Treatment: Making Stamping Dies
Heat treat the die components to enhance their hardness and durability. This step involves processes like hardening, tempering, and stress relieving to achieve the desired material properties.
Precision Machining: Making Stamping Dies
Perform precision machining to achieve the final dimensions and surface finish of the die components. This may include grinding, milling, drilling, and honing.
Accuracy and precision are critical in this step to ensure the stamped parts meet the required specifications.
Assemble the die components, including the punch, die, guides, strippers, and any additional components such as springs or ejector systems.
Proper alignment and clearances between components are essential to ensure smooth and efficient stamping.
Testing and Adjustment:
Test the assembled die on a press machine to check for any issues, such as misalignment, clearance problems, or inadequate material flow.
Make necessary adjustments to optimize the die’s performance and achieve the desired part quality.
Surface Treatment:
Apply surface treatments or coatings to the die components to improve wear resistance, reduce friction, or prevent corrosion.
Trial Runs and Fine-Tuning:
Conduct trial runs on the press to stamp sample parts and fine-tune the die’s operation until it consistently produces parts within specified tolerances.
Quality Control:
Implement a rigorous quality control process to inspect stamped parts for dimensional accuracy and surface finish.
Ensure that the die maintains its performance over time with regular maintenance and replacement of worn components.
Once the stamping die is fully tested and optimized, it can be used for high-volume production of stamped parts.
Creating stamping dies is a specialized and skill-intensive process that requires precision engineering, machining expertise, and a deep understanding of materials and manufacturing principles. High-quality stamping dies are essential for producing consistent and accurate stamped parts in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and consumer goods manufacturing.
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